Shinei Screen Inc. aims to advance eco-friendlyproducts and technical innovation in order to protect and improve theenvironment based upon the philosophy that a company is a member of nature.Under the philosophy, the company aims to realize human- and eco-friendlysociety through the whole company activities.
The company obtained verification of ISO 14001Environmental Standard.
・We comply with thedirections of RoHS and don’t use lead in our products.
Basic Philosophy
Throughmanufacturing screen printing products, decorative products for festivals andevents, and display units and components, we aims to become an eco-friendlycompany. We aim to advance eco-friendly products technical innovation in orderto protect and improve the environment. Under the philosophy, we aim to realizetruly rich society.
1.Complying with environment-related laws.
We comply with environmental laws, ordinances, agreements, and requirements of customers and the industry. We voluntarily and actively work on environment protecting activities.
2.Decreasingenvironmental load and protecting pollution.
We strive to use resource and energy effectively and save them. We usematerials, parts, and ink that are eco-friendly. We decrease bad effects ofproduction on the environment. We aim to curb industrial waste and reuse it. We treat industrial waste not to worsenthe environment.
3.Settingenvironmental objectives and goal.
We set environmental objectives and goal in order to decrease environmentalload and pollution by reviewing business activities, production, and servicesfrom a point of environment protection.
We aim to implementenvironmental policy and perform continual improvement ofenvironment management.
We implement internal environmental audit to maintain and enhance voluntaryenvironment management. We also educate employee so that they understandenvironmental policy and enhance environmental consciousness.
We guide suppliers and subcontractors so that they understand environmentalpolicy and enhance environmental consciousness. We disclose the policy insidethe company and also disclose outside the company if it is required.
From design to assembly.
Diffuser plates, LCD color filters
Fancy strips,festival lanterns
Water-soluble lanterns,rotary lanternsin Japanese culture.
Shinei exhibited productsat METALEX 2009.
Shinei has obtained ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 certifications.
Light-up displays
Electronic boards
Screen printing
LCD color filters
Auto heater panels
Auto switch panels
Polarizer plates
Paste printing
Phosphorescence printing
Festival and event products
Original fancy strips
Festival paper lanterns
Rotary lanterns
Water-soluble lanterns
Other lanterns