We provide products that other companiescannot imitate easily. We also provide high quality products that need highlevel quality control. To meet customer’s requirements, we daily attempt toovercome any obstacle. For example, we provide display units and indicatorsthat have very unique features. We also provide complicated screen-printingproducts such as light guide plates, diffuser plates, and polarizer plates,which are all developed, designed, and manufactured by our company. And weprovide joyful and colorful products used for events and festivals. We alsoprovide water-soluble paper lanterns that have been originally developed by us,Buddhism rotary lanterns, festival lanterns, and various fancy strips.
Display units and components
Silk-Screen Printing Products
We provide LED indicators, backlights(surface light source), electronic control boards, and enclosures. Our light-updisplays and variable indicators realize excellent surface effects withoutloosing high reliability and productivity.
・ Light-updisplays
・ LEDunits
・ LEDdisplays
・ Indicators
・ Electroniccontrol boards
・ Enclosuresmade of metal plates or plastics
・ Assemblyof various units and parts
We can printa line of 0.1 mm thickness and our alignment accuracy is less than 0.1 mm.Though printing processes need high accuracy, we produce and supply products ina short term, keeping high quality. Some printed sheet improves LED light. Whenthe printed sheet is put on a cheap LED, its light turns white successfully andits brightness increases. We also print an LCD glass plate with film thicknessof less than 0.2 mm. We do full-color printing, using four colors. Our originallight-up display uses an acrylic plate on which special printing is applied.When providing light from the side of the acrylic plate, the light-up display brightsbeautifully.
Festival and Event Products (Various Lanterns andFancy Strips)
・ automobileswitch panels
・ polarizerplates
・ LCDcolor filters
・ Diffuserplates
・ Sheetswitches
・ Lightguide plates that guide LED light and other lights
・ Specialpaste printed products
・ Productsprinted on plastics (PET, polycarbonate, acryl, etc), glass, and metals
・ Othervarious printed products
We manufacture water-soluble floatinglanterns, Buddhism rotary lanterns, festival lanterns, lanterns for seasonalevents, fancy strips. We are alwaysimproving our products based upon customer’s requirements in consideration ofhandling, safety, and eco-friendliness.
・ Water-solublefloating paper lanterns
・ Buddhismrotary lanterns
・ Portablelanterns
・ Festivalpaper lanterns
・ Fancypaper strips
From design to assembly.
Diffuser plates, LCD color filters
Fancy strips,festival lanterns
Water-soluble lanterns,rotary lanternsin Japanese culture.
Shinei exhibited productsat METALEX 2009.
Shinei has obtained ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 certifications.
Light-up displays
Electronic boards
Screen printing
LCD color filters
Auto heater panels
Auto switch panels
Polarizer plates
Paste printing
Phosphorescence printing
Festival and event products
Original fancy strips
Festival paper lanterns
Rotary lanterns
Water-soluble lanterns
Other lanterns